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INWESのNewsletterが届きましたので 掲載します。
 ※本文(PDF 14ページ)を表示するには、上記Newsletterをクリックしてください。

To: INWES members: individuals and representatives of organisational and
corporate members

Dear INWES members,

Happy New Year!

I'm pleased to send you the first issue of the INWES Member Newsletter. We
want to inform you about what the INWES Executive Committee, the INWES Board
and the INWES members do. And we hope that via the INWES Member Newsletter
INWES members get to know each other, learn from each other and are
encouraged to work together on singular events or longer-going projects.

We hope you enjoy this first issue. Please send us feedback, corrections,
proposals for articles or regular columns, news from your organisation
or your country or contributions in general. The deadline for the next issue
is 22 March 2009.

We welcome it if you forwarded the Newsletter to members of your
organisation, colleagues, or persons interested in INWES and its issues.

Best regards,

Petra Mayerhofer

Petra Mayerhofer

INWES - International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
Director - Committee Communications

投稿者 author : 2009年01月11日 22:24